ETL GLOBAL Entertainment

ETL GLOBAL ENTERTAINMENT was created to group the ETL GLOBAL member firms that offer tax, labour, and legal services to audiovisual productions and live shows in the Performing Arts.

ETL GLOBAL encompasses practices offices with extensive experience in the sector and more than 30 years of experience when the Cinema Law was enacted, to offer services to both sector companies and any other entrepreneur wanting to maximise returns by financing creative works without running a business or taking financial risks.


Article 39.7 of the Corporate Income Tax Law establishes an attractive tax benefit for companies and entrepreneurs that support audiovisual productions and live performances in the performing arts sector.

The law allows any entrepreneur (natural and legal person) to deduct 120% of the amounts contributed to cultural projects.

Recover the entire investment

Capital gain of 20% return

No business or financial risk

In a maximum of 12 months

In addition, with the help of the member firms of the ETL GLOBAL group, we give nationwide Spanish and international coverage, offering the following services:


  • Tax
  • Labour
  • Accountancy
  • Legal
  • Commercial

    ETL ENTERTAINMENT offers these services to all ETL GLOBAL group clients, many of whom are audiovisual producers, music producers, theatre, dance, circus companies, etc., and the possibility to finance their projects with investments from other clients outside the artistic realm, obtaining a minimum financial-fiscal return of 20%.



    Antonio Almenara, partner in ETL NEXUM.


    Telephone: +34 932 000 149
    Contact email:
    Follow us on our social media
    This action is promoted and subsidised by the SOC, and 100% financed by the European Social Fund as part of the
    European Union's response to the COVID-19 pandemic
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