Benefits of working at ETL GLOBAL

Our main focus is on people. At ETL GLOBAL we work to foster values and build a strong corporate culture capable of attracting and retaining the best talent, such as yours. We will provide you with the tools, training and flexibility to develop your full potential.

Since we believe that having happy professionals brings value to the entire team that makes up the ETL GLOBAL group.

Growth potential

We are constantly working to promote career plans within the group so that our professionals can access senior positions, with greater responsibility and more competitive salaries.

People-oriented corporate culture

The affinity with our corporate culture is a relevant factor when interviewing professionals who wish to join our group.

In order to identify qualified candidates who will add value to the team, at ETL GLOBAL we define the most appropriate assessment criteria in advance, offering an inclusive approach that will enable us to find those candidates who will enrich our strong value-based corporate culture.

In our opinion, a candidate who represents a cultural contribution is not only in line with our brand values, but also enriches the corporate culture with new skills and insights.

Job stability

At ETL GLOBAL we are aware that job stability is a fundamental motivating factor. In this way, we work so that our professionals develop a sense of belonging and affinity, while increasing their work performance because they feel that they are part of a “family”, our family. To this end, we organise various internal social events and team building activities so that our teams can socialise and feel part of the group, regardless of which member firm they belong to.

Continuous training

We consider continuous training to be synonymous with operability and is one of the pillars of our group. This is why training is of paramount importance to us and is a lever for achieving better qualified professionals.

At ETL GLOBAL group we encourage access to the weekly online courses that we publish through our ETL CONNECT intranet and mobile application.

Personal skills development

At ETL GLOBAL, we hire professionals with certain personal skills, also known as soft skills, that are highly valued by us: empathy, teamwork, creativity, leadership skills and adaptability. Detecting them during the recruitment and selection process is key to finding not only the right candidate for the job at a technical level, but also the one who is most in line with our corporate culture and the work team of which he or she will be a part.

Geographical mobility

Professionals seeking opportunities for geographical mobility can definitely find them with us. Our Group, made up by various member firms spread across Spain, offers professionals who need to move province or city the opportunity to do so at another ETL GLOBAL member firm.

Cultural diversity

For us, cultural diversity in the workplace begins during the recruitment process. The diversity and inclusion at ETL GLOBAL allow us to create teams that combine different points of view, maximise interpersonal skills and blend talents, thereby increasing innovation and unique perspectives. We foster an inclusive and equal opportunities environment.

Work with us

Our motto #GlobalTalent transmits enthusiasm for work, creativity, effort, union, respect, and above all teamwork… all values that have inspired us since we began and continue to drive us to attract and retain great talent like yours. 

Professional Exchange

#ETLChallenge | Embrace the unique opportunity presented by ETL GLOBAL’s Professional Exchange Programme, a chance for all our professionals to explore and grow.