ETL Future Stars

ETL GLOBAL is committed to nurturing new talent internationally, understanding that their growth is vital to the continued success of the group.

By creating an environment that prioritises professional development, innovation and collaboration, ETL GLOBAL aims to equip the next generation with the skills and opportunities necessary to become the leaders of the future.

In line with this commitment, ETL GLOBAL proudly announces the launch of an international competition: ‘ETL Future Stars’, designed to discover, support and enhance the skills of new generations within the group, involving several countries internationally.

Participating teams work together to solve complex issues related to advising clients requiring multidisciplinary services, demonstrating their ability to perform in diverse regulatory environments.

ETL Future Stars
Competition Rulebook

The ETL Future Stars Competition (“the Competition”) is designed to identify and celebrate emerging talent in the fields of tax advisory and legal practice within ETL GLOBAL. Targeting professionals under the age of 30 who have not yet reached director or partner level, the Competition aims to foster collaboration, friendship and innovation across borders.


  • Participants must be under 30 years of age.
  • Participants must not hold a director or partner position.
  • Participants must possess excellent business English skills.


  • There will be 5 teams, each comprising 4 Competitors.
  • Teams will include a mix of tax advisers and lawyers.
  • Each team must have representatives from at least two different countries.
  • Teams will be selected by the Organiser (the Board of the ETL Cross Selling Group).

Kick-off Meeting

The Organiser will host a kick-off meeting where the Competition rules and logistics will be explained, and questions answered. This Rulebook will be provided electronically to the Competitors at the same time.

Task Assignment

  • The Competitors will be set a task via email, requiring research in various areas of tax law and commercial law.
  • The task will always include an international element.


  • Competitors will meet at Posada de San Juan in Podivin to prepare for the task.
  • Over the course of one day, Competitors will work in their teams to prepare a presentation with accompanying slides and/or a memorandum (“the Materials”).
  • The Materials must be emailed to the Organiser by 4:30 PM on the day of the presentation.

Evaluation Criteria

Presentations will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Quality and content of the Materials.
  • Presentation skills and language used.
  • Commerciality of proposals.


  • The Organiser will score each team on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best and 1 being the lowest.
  • The team with the highest aggregate score will be declared the winner.


For any questions or further information, please contact the Organiser. We wish all Competitors the best of luck in the ETL Future Stars Competition!

Further details about the progress and outcomes of the ETL GLOBAL Future Stars initiative will be available on its LinkedIn account.